Powers Of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is an important estate planning tool that, when properly drafted, allows you to appoint a trusted representative to make decisions on your behalf in the event you become unable to make those decisions yourself. Our Estate Planning Team provides our clients with:

Durable Powers of Attorney: These vital documents allow you to appoint a spouse, an adult child, or a trusted friend to handle your financial matters, such as paying bills and managing bank accounts and investments, if you are unable.

Medical Powers of Attorney: These crucial legal documents allow you to choose a trusted person to make decisions regarding your medical treatment, such as medication use, hospitalization, surgeries, in-home care and other matters, when you are unable to communicate.

The authority you grant in a Power of Attorney can be as broad or narrow as you want it to be. We will work with you closely to help you develop Powers of Attorney that protect your wishes.

Living Wills

A Living Will makes known your wishes for end-of-life treatment, typically providing directions for when life support should be used and when it should be withheld. With a living will in place, medical professionals have clear direction on when to withhold life-sustaining treatment. When there is no living will in place, family members can be left with wrenching decisions that can turn into contentious disputes.

Contact Us About Your Estate Planning Needs

If you are seeking guidance relating to Powers of Attorney or Living Wills in Louisiana, our legal team is here for you. Contact us online or by telephone at 504-582-1500 to arrange a consultation with an experienced lawyer for Powers of Attorney and Living Wills.